Ruth J. Carter

Senator Pin?:
Date Pin Received:
Dec 9 2014
Term Dates | Type | Category | Constituency | Comments | Resigned |
05/14 to 04/17 | Elected | Faculty | SOLAS | Ruth Carter is on professional leave during the spring 2016 semester and Cliff Wilkinson will serve in her place while she is on this leave. Ruth Carter resigned her elected faculty senator position effective 15 August 2016 (replaced by Bradley Koch). | Aug 15 2016 |
Term Dates | Non-Senator | Committee | Comments | Resigned? |
05/16 to 04/17 | No | APC | Ruth Carter resigned her position on APC effective 15 Aug 2016 and was replaced by Bradley Koch. | 08/15/2016 |
05/15 to 04/16 | No | SoCC | Area B, Area C2: Ruth Carter is on professional leave during Spring 2016 semester and Cliff Wilkinson will serve on SoCC in her place during this leave. | 01/13/2016 |
05/14 to 04/15 | No | SoCC | Area C2 |