Motions Database

Number, Title, Author, or Committee Abbreviation
Motion Type Author Source Commitee Status Last Update
Greek Expansion Policy
Policy Recommendation Anonymous SAPC Awaiting Action by Implementor 02/15/2011
Recognition of the Work Done by Faculty Advocates to Create the University System of Georgia Faculty Council
Resolution Anonymous ECUS Endorsed by University Senate 12/21/2010
Masters of Education in Reading, Literacy and Language New Program Proposal
Curricular Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 01/06/2011
Master of Arts Majors: Art Therapy New Program Proposal
Curricular Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 01/06/2011
Doctor of Nursing Practice New Degree Proposal
Curricular Anonymous CAPC Approved, Pending Review by USG/BOR 01/06/2011
Motor Vehicle Use Policy
Policy Recommendation Anonymous RPIPC Implementation Complete 05/09/2017
Red Flags Rule Policy
Policy Recommendation Anonymous RPIPC Awaiting Action by Implementor 01/06/2011
Judicial Board Amnesty Policy
Policy Recommendation Anonymous SAPC Awaiting Action by Implementor 01/06/2011
GCSU USGFC representative selection process
Resolution Anonymous ECUS Endorsed by University Senate 11/03/2010
Sponsorship Policy
Policy Recommendation Anonymous SAPC Awaiting Action by Implementor 01/06/2011
