Proposed revision to office hours policy (2 of 2)
General Information
The current office hours policy reads:
“Each instructor shall post office hours on his/her door. The instructor is responsible for maintaining adequate office hours to enable him/her to be available for meeting with any student who wishes to see him/her. In no case shall posted office hours for student consultation be less than a minimum of one clock hour a day.”
APC proposes the addition at the end of the statement the following two sentences: “Scheduling opportunities for synchronous virtual communication with students is acceptable. In the event office hours are cancelled, faculty members should make a conscientious effort to reschedule them.”
It is APC's opinion that for many programs synchronous virtual delivery methods offer students reasonable alternatives to face-to-face office hours and may expand contact between students and faculty members.
To approve the proposed revisions to the existing office hours policy as described in the referenced material.