Bylaws amendment: Eligibility of Elected Faculty Senators

General Information

Motion Number: 1516.EC.004.B
Source Committee: Executive Committee of the University Senate
Motion Status: Implementation Complete
Motion Type: Bylaws Proposal
Motion Text: 

To modify the University Senate bylaws from:
II.Section1.A.2. Elected Faculty Senators.
The eligibility requirements for an elected faculty senator are membership in the Corps of Instruction as detailed in II.Section2.A.1 and the completion of at least two (2) years of service at the university at the time her/his term of service begins.

II.Section1.A.2. Elected Faculty Senators.
The eligibility requirements for an elected faculty senator are membership in the Corps of Instruction as detailed in II.Section2.A.1 and the completion of at least two (2) years of service at the university at the beginning of the fall semester following her/his election as a Senator.

Executive Committee Actions
ECUS action: 
Submit to University Senate
University Senate Actions
US action: 
Recommend to University President to Approve
Presiding Officer Electronic Signature: 
John R. Swinton
Approval Date: 
Presidential Actions
UP action: 
Effective Date: 
President Electronic Signature: 
Steve M. Dorman
Implementor Actions
Implementation Status: 
Implementation Complete

University President Proxy

On behalf of: 
University President
Author: Kathy Waers | Date Authored: February 23, 2016 | Last Updated: February 23, 2016 Processed by Kathy Waers
Action log: 
Motion submitted to ECUS on October 6, 2015 - 5:41 PM
Placed on University Senate Agenda on December 4, 2015 - 3:25 PM
University Senate Recommended to University President to Approve on February 19, 2016
Motion signed by John Swinton, Presiding Officer on February 19, 2016
Awaiting Action by University President on February 19, 2016
Motion Approved by University President on February 23, 2016
Motion signed by Steve Dorman, University President, on February 23, 2016
Awaiting Action by Implementor on February 23, 2016
Implementation Complete on March 29, 2016 - 10:20am